
Showing posts from September, 2023

Why courtship is fundementally Flawed Re-post

    Hi there, just to say the following article is just thoughts of a person trying to help Christian teens and parents to see another interesting possible option to help with healthy relationships ,just because I am sharing this article does not mean I agree with everything the author says.  I would encourage every reader that spiritual discernment is a personal responsibility which should be guided by the bible and not by feelings.  If you read something in here you disagree with it is possible I may also disagree with that point.  I think its beneficial to discuss theories like this to strengthen our own convictions and to get us into the world of critical thinking and analysis that will aid us in following biblical truth and working out what may actually be man's mistaken truths rather than biblical truth. Good Questions to ask yourself are: Is this actually in the bible? if not. Why not? Does this principle come from God or Man? If man, does that make it wrong? If God has Not