
Little Women 2019 and 1990s movies vs reality: Meg March

      W hilst the new 2019 L ittle W omen was an interesting film ,  fresh and new with a whole different style to any other version of the beloved tale we have seen before…   one finds oneself dist r acted by the strange decisions of the director to A. have the timeline completely out of wack and B. to have the costume design so that one would hardly know what era it was in if not for a me n tions of the war and knowledge of the book that keep it in place. B ut I am here for the costumes...    A nyway ,  let us start with this picture and specifically M eg, the oldest sister and the one who wants to "fit in"(quote M ichara T ewers) .   T he first thing you notice is her big neon green scarf  -  wow ,  you think how is that historically accurate ?   B ut sorry to say it IS in fact an ava i l a ble dye in this time period …  but characteristically it makes no sense .   A lthough the designers wanted green and purple to be Meg's colours so to speak ,   I think from the book