19th Century Authors: A Review
To be observed by those of us immersed in the literary world, the 1800s prove to be a jam-packed century, full to the brim with authors, poets and geniuses of literature. Of all centuries, I personally find the 19th to be most intriguing. England saw the Regency Period within the Georgian era, as the Prince Regent ruled on behalf of his inept father. Then Queen Victoria became this nation's monarch at the age of 18 and in the year 1837, igniting the Victorian era into motion, which lasted for the rest of the century. We benefit today from the books that were written during these times; we still read them 200 years later, eagerly devouring their contents. What exactly were they and who wrote them? Let's start with Jane Austen. Within her lifetime of only 41 years, she wrote six complete novels and they are stunning masterpieces. Besides Sanditon, her unfinished novel, and her juvenilia, she managed to create and publish four books before her death in 1817. Two of her novels w