
Part Three - If Hearts Could Fly

Epilogue  Rose's heart pounded, as Robert led the way to the nearby park.  She was on the verge of asking, "where are you taking me?" when she realised that would be a needless question. It was clear Robert was seizing the opportunity to enjoy her company after a long day's work and watch the dusky, golden sunset from the benches by the park. It was the only splash of green in the area and much-appreciated by the residents of the city, especially the cotton mill employees. The fresh outdoor air was a welcome relief when compared to the thick, dense weight of cotton that permeated the air they breathed, daily, in the suffocating swamp of a factory.  Robert reached a bench and beckoned for Rose to take a seat beside him.  "You must know," he took her hand and pressed it to his chest. "I can't conceal it any longer. You must know that I love you." Rose's heart skipped a beat. "I... I love you too," she found herself saying after an i

Part Two - If Hearts Could Fly

 Chapter Four  "Rose, my dear, you look as though you haven't got enough sleep! This industry is known for causing fatigue." Dorothy patted her back fondly and smiled. "You lying awake, dreaming of the future? Wondering if it contains a certain young gentleman we're both very fond of?" "Unfortunately, no." Rose sighed. "The reasons for my tiredness and the fact I had a sleepless night are far less agreeable." "I'm all ears." "Well... I've received a letter from my landlord and we are, as it turns out, no longer able to stay in the house. We have been given two weeks to vacate." "Oh, Rose!" Dorothy exclaimed. "I'm so sorry. I wish there was something I could do." "I've been praying for a miracle." "Of course you have. As will I." Rose paused in her work and shut her eyes tight. "Lord, send me a miracle," her heart whispered. "Send me a miracle."

Part One - If Hearts Could Fly

  Chapter One  Rose Lambe gazed out the window longingly. It was a bright, warm, sunny day and the dense, heavy atmosphere of the cotton mill proved an oppressive contrast to the blue, summery sky. Oh, to be out of doors on a day like this! Though the mist hung low and thick in the winter, summer was a welcome break from the overcast gloom of the city. Although she rejoiced that Thomas and Minnie were benefiting from the beautiful day, she earnestly wished she could join them.  She was grateful nonetheless. Mrs. Deacon had promised to take the children to the park and Thomas had squealed at the prospect. Minnie had wailed into Mummy's skirts that she wanted to work the mill just to be with her.  "Come, Minnie," Rose had coaxed, gently pushing some stray curls and tucking them behind her daughter's ear. "You and Thomas are going to have a wonderful time at the park, as kind Mrs. Deacon has offered to take you. Have fun. And enjoy yourselves. You'll do that for

If Hearts Could Fly - Short Story

 Hi everyone.  Introducing... If Hearts Could Fly.  I would like to start posting a short story in sections. Part one will be the first three chapters. Part two will consist of the next two chapters. And part three will contain the final chapter or epilogue. Enjoy! 😊 Synopsis for If Hearts Could Fly: Rose Lambe is a young mother, raising two little children on her own in Victorian England. Her late husband, Peter Lambe, has passed away and she has to earn a substantial income herself to sustain her young family. While working in a cotton factory in the north of England, Rose encounters a tough financial challenge that threatens her security. Surrounded by her friends, she displays admirable courage in the face of tribulation...  Will her most interesting acquaintance -the handsome and very poetic Robert Stainton - prove to be an answer to her prayers? If Hearts Could Fly is a short story /novellette combining contextual accuracy with vivid imagination. Historical fiction is my very fa

Why courtship is fundementally Flawed Re-post

    Hi there, just to say the following article is just thoughts of a person trying to help Christian teens and parents to see another interesting possible option to help with healthy relationships ,just because I am sharing this article does not mean I agree with everything the author says.  I would encourage every reader that spiritual discernment is a personal responsibility which should be guided by the bible and not by feelings.  If you read something in here you disagree with it is possible I may also disagree with that point.  I think its beneficial to discuss theories like this to strengthen our own convictions and to get us into the world of critical thinking and analysis that will aid us in following biblical truth and working out what may actually be man's mistaken truths rather than biblical truth. Good Questions to ask yourself are: Is this actually in the bible? if not. Why not? Does this principle come from God or Man? If man, does that make it wrong? If God has Not